The result of a decade of experience in the air treatment sector, the Zefiro fan coil, reflects all the feedback received from users, installers and designers over the years, now incorporated in the new unit to make it complete in all its features. Special attention has been paid to ease of installation, thereby significantly reducing time requirements, thanks also to the use of slotin side panels. The attractive styling, quiet operation, versatility, components of reliable quality, and the massive range of available accessories, make this fan coil ideal for heating and cooling all types of interior spaces. Stated performance data are guaranteed by the unit’s Eurovent certification.
- Cold 0,97÷10,25
- Hot 2,62÷22,10
I plus:
“Designed for installation” because all operations can be performed easily and rapidly on site. The special design of the outer casing with removable side panels makes it possible to reduce assembly times also in the case of larger size units.
The extensive range of possible configurations makes it possible to meet all types of installation requirements, vertical or horizontal, with or without outer casing, with front or lower air intake, and with the option of front air delivery for the built-in version. The performance features can be modified simply by altering the motor connections. The connections side can be rapidly reversed on the installation site.
Special attention has been devoted to this factor, which offers excellent results that can be checked by referring to our data tables. The use of multiple speed electronically bal-anced motors make for exceptionally quiet operation.
The study conducted for the motor/exchang-er combination in the various sizes served to choose the best possible operating conditions to optimise fan coil efficiency while maintain-ing the quietest possible operation.
Technical solutions that make it possible to save on installation time. Auxiliary condensate collection pan supplied as standard, high preci-sion electronic controllers for all technical solutions, installed also on board the unit.
Independent fan section that can be easily removed for exceptional cleaning of the coils. Long-life washable filter, available also with high filtration capacity. Reversible delivery grilles for optimal air distribution. Highly intui-tive and user-friendly electronic controllers.
Attractive and compatible with all types of installation surroundings, simple and contem-porary styling means that an air treatment unit can be installed without impacting on the aesthetic characteristics of the room.
Designed in strict compliance with all applicable safety standards.
Standard colour scheme white + grey. The unit can be supplied in any colour from the RAL range for exclusive aesthetic solutions. The relative delivery times and costs are to be agreed upon on a case-by-case basis. Vast range of accessories and versions avail-able for all installation requirements, from additional coils for 4-pipe systems to the most sophisticated electronic control solutions also for centralised aircon systems.