Why using an anti-condensation valve Caleffi Biomass®?

The anti-condensation valve, used in heating systems with a solid fuel generator, automatically regulates at the set value the temperature of the water returning to the generator. Keeping the boiler at a high temperature prevents condensation of the water vapour contained in the flue gas. Condensation produces tarry deposits that, accumulating on the metal surfaces of the flue gas-system water exchanger, cause corrosion, reduce the thermal efficiency of the flue gas-system water exchanger and are a source of danger for the flues as they are flammable.
The anti-condensation valve gives the generator a longer life and ensures greater efficiency.
• Specifi cally to be used in circuits of systems with wood solid fuel generators
• Materials of the components and their performance take account of the specifi c system needs in terms of efficiency and safety of the generators and systems.
• Complete and versatile range for a prompt installation
• Anti-condensation devices for combustion fuel gas: optimising and increased generator life and effi ciency
• Connection and energy management units: the connection and energy management unit preassembled in the box enables combining solid fuel generators with another type of generator, which may already be present in the heating system.
Product range:
280 series Anti-condensation valve sizes DN 20 (3/4”), DN 25 (1”), DN 32 (1 1/4”)