The Caleffi XS under-boiler magnetic filter mechanically separates the impurities in heating and air conditioning systems by means of a mesh strainer, a neodymium magnet and a collection chamber for the heaviest particles. The chamber has transparent windows, allowing the user to check whether the internal elements need to be cleaned. Its very small dimensions make it suitable for all generator types.
Technical features
The Caleffi XS under-boiler magnetic filter
Body: brass EN 12165 CW617N, chrome-plated
Fitting: brass EN 12165 CW617N, chrome-plated
Hydraulic seals: EPDM
Strainer container: PA 12
Magnet holder cap: PA6G30
Filter: stainless steel EN 10088-2 (AISI 304)
Ball: brass EN 12165 CW617N, chrome-plated
Ball valve lever: PA66G30
Medium: water, non-hazardous glycol solutions
Maximum percentage of glycol: 30 %
Maximum working pressure: 3 bar
Working temperature range: 0–90 °C
Strainer mesh size: 800 μm
Magnetic induction of magnet: 0,475 T Kv: 3,55 m3/h