Unilab suggests software PHE for daily calculations of plate heat exchangers. PHE is a user-friendly interface software, with detailed printouts and logo management. All Unilab software products have a wide thermophysics library, with the possibility to insert new fluids and mixtures. The fluid libraries now include more than 140 refrigerants and 440 fluids among pure liquids, pure gas and liquid or gas mixtures.
How can PHE be useful to your company?
PHE is the right solution which allows the selection of the best brazed plate heat exchangers in archive or do a free calculation, suitable for the design of a brand new plate. This calculation is available in many modalities: fluid-fluid, evaporation, condensation or steam. PHE can analyze 30°, 45° and 60° herringbone angles and in case you work with international unit of measurement or British unit system or you would like to customize your own unit, thanks to PHE you will be able to set from one unit of measurement to the other. PHE gets you the possibility to calibrate with factors some experimental data that you want to match with your software results.
We have a solution for your exchanger cost calculation
You can fully manage, insert, edit the geometrical features of plates, nozzles and heat exchangers, including prices and weights. The program will calculate precisely the cost and the weight of the designed plate heat exchanger. PHE can also store a favourite list of geometries.
UNISUITE: one tool for many applications
If you design or rate both brazed heat exchangers, electrical heaters or shell & tube heat exchangers, UniSuite is the software that simplify this management. We have integrated in a sole platform different software for heat exchanger design calculation: PHE for brazed heat exchangers, SHELL for the efficent calculation of shell & tube heat exchangers and EHE suitable for electric heaters. UniSuite is the best solution for companies with a variegated production range: it simplifies the ordinary work unifying different projects using one software.
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