Focus - Innovations

Innovations • 10.03.2022
Important new developments for ultra-thin solar cells from London

A team of researchers from University College London and Imperial College London has significantly increased the efficiency of ultrathin solar cells using silver and bismuth atoms: this might become an environmentally-friendly and economical alternative to existing solar technologies

Innovations • 15.02.2022
Innovative smart window covering regulates indoor climate

Oxford University researchers have developed an adaptive technology coating that reflects or absorbs infrared heat energy based on the seasonal needs of the home

Innovations • 27.01.2022
New developments for perovskite solar cells

The Center for Hybrid and Organic Solar Energy (CHOSE) in Rome has developed an innovative deposition method for perovskite solar cells that improves efficiency in a cost-effective manner, using a simple sheet of paper

Innovations • 11.01.2022
The Smart Roof made in USA saves energy all year round

Berkeley Lab researchers have developed a new smart device that, when fitted to the roofs of residential buildings, regulates the internal temperature according to the season

Innovations • 21.12.2021
News in the smart window field: an energy-saving glass that regulates heating and cooling

NTU Singapore: an energy-saving glass that responds to changing temperatures and regulates heating and cooling

Innovations • 17.05.2021
Holland comes up with a solution to make perovskite solar cells more stable
Eindhoven University of Technology research to maintain perovskite solar cell stable
Innovations • 11.05.2021
Radiative cooling: will ultra-white paint replace air-conditioning?
From the U.S. the new ultra-white paint that can cool down spaces
Innovations • 05.05.2021
Recycled lithium batteries perform just like new batteries
A research group from Aalto University shows that batteries can perform at their initial capacity level using an alternative lithium recycling method
Innovations • 25.03.2021
New solutions for low-temperature district heating and cooling
A report by IRENA about new generation of renewable energy systems
Innovations • 10.03.2021
€10 billion to 10 European partnerships. The goal? Climate neutrality and digital development
10 billion for research and innovation to achieve climate neutrality
Innovations • 11.02.2021
Artificial intelligence as a tool to reduce emissions and costs of industries
Thanks to AI reduction of industrial costs and emissions
Innovations • 23.09.2014
‘Printable’ organic solar cells may be coming soon from Australia
A team of Australian scientists invented "printable" organic solar cells which may substitute current silicon panels in the near future, producing energy efficiency savings of +10%.
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