Focus - Experts & Business

Experts & Business • 05.10.2022
Renewable sources and employment: solar photovoltaic in Southeast Asia stands out
How is employment evolving in renewable energy? Photovoltaic solar continues to create more and more jobs and also employs many women

Experts & Business • 18.11.2021
Jobs in the solar energy industry are set to triple by 2030
According to SolarPower Europe, solar energy is the renewable source that will create the greatest employment in Europe by the end of this decade

Experts & Business • 27.10.2021
Renewable energy and employment: 12 million jobs totalled in 2020
According to the IRENA annual "Renewable Energy and Jobs” review, employment generated by sustainable energy sources reached 12 million jobs last year

Experts & Business • 04.05.2021
Renewables are creating more and more jobs: 3.3 million new jobs thanks to the wind energy industry
The Global Wind Energy Council analysis shows the economic and social potential of wind energy industry

Experts & Business • 12.01.2012
Small wind turbines: interview to Alessandro Cascini, Minvento Srl
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