Bitron Hvac Systems (bitron Industrie Spa)
Via Italia 54, 54, 10098, Collegno (TORINO), Italia
Phone. +39 011 4507570
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Bitron HVAC Systems

Bitron produces components for HVAC systems such Hydraulic Groups, sensors (temperature, pressure, flow),safety valves, inverters and heat exchangers.
Mostra Convegno Expocomfort: discover the new Bitron App for the boilers
Bitron Hvac Systems at MCE Expocomfort 2014

Hydraulic group - Bitron
Technical files - EN
Hydrogenerator - Bitron
Technical files - EN
Modulating motor - Bitron
Technical files - EN
3 ways valve motor - Bitron
Technical files - EN
MR 330 gearmotor - Bitron
Technical files - EN

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