Focus - Associations

Associations • 03.06.2024
AIEL and FIPER join Bioenergy Europe's call: towards a new energy transition.

Associations • 12.04.2024
AIEL: Proposed Revisions to the NECP Presented at the Hearing in the Chamber
AIEL has proposed a 2030 target of 16.5 Mtoe of thermal energy produced from bioenergy.

Associations • 21.03.2024
Terna outlines the future of energy: innovation and sustainability in the new 2024-2028 industrial plan
"Starting today, March 21, Terna launches a new communication campaign focused on the energy transition and sustainability."

Associations • 28.12.2023
Terna: global leader in sustainability for the 15th consecutive year
Terna's recognition for continuous inclusion in the Euronext Vigeo World 120, Europe 120, and Eurozone 120 indices underscores its ongoing commitment to sustainability.

Associations • 19.05.2023
Refrigerant gases: discussions continue between the European institutions on the new Regulation. Assoclima in favor of a gradual elimination
L’eliminazione totale dei Gas refrigeranti in tempi brevi potrebbe avere conseguenze negative per aziende e cittadini

Associations • 22.02.2022
Biomass fuel is not a real renewable source: NGOs attack the European Commission
12 European NGOs signed a letter to the main European ministers calling for a climate policy that protects forests from wood harvesting for energy biomass

Associations • 04.03.2021
Renewable hydrogen will be key to Europe’s decarbonisation
A European Coalition for green hydrogen

Associations • 26.06.2018
AREA, a training Guide for technicians working with new refrigerants
AREA published an updated training Guide for technicians working with low GWP refrigerants, which includes a list of training facilities available within the 17 European countries part of the organization.

Associations • 23.12.2014
AREA presents its strategic Manifesto updated to 2020
AREA presents an updated Manifesto for RACHP contractors: European regulation, lifelong education&training and energy efficiency are current top priorities.

Associations • 12.12.2014
IEA, EU future major challenges: energy security, industrial competitiveness and sustainability
In its report, IEA gives some recommendations for an efficient Europe Energy Union: energy security, industrial competitiveness and sustainability are the top priorities for the future of the European community.

Associations • 09.12.2014
EHPA, heat pumps: the new ‘must' for Europe's Energy Union
EHPA announces the positive trend in heat pump sales across Europe, highlighting the many advantages related to the use of this technology, such as sustainability, competitiveness, security of supply and employment.

Associations • 11.02.2014
UK’s Construction Industry continued to grow in Quarter 4
(UK) For the first time in over five years, Construction’s Industry recorded three consecutive quarters of growth, private and public housing were the key drivers.
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