LegioBox: The new IVAR system for the disinfection of Legionella
During delivery to terminals, LEGIO-BOX controls the distribution of cold and hot water (fig. A), which regulates the temperature through the thermostatic mixing valve with scald safe function (fig. B), this product is certified for several years the stringent French standard NF 079 doc. 08. In most, LEGIO-BOX integrates inside a device that allows to temporarily bypass the thermostatic mixing valve on the way hot (fig. C): thanks to this, it is possible to program the periods of recirculation or dispensing high temperature, ensuring the disinfecting 'water up to the terminals.
But what is legionella ?
Legionella is a bacterium present in the water , which proliferates between 25 and 45 ° C and it can be dangerous to health if inhaled through vapor or droplets , becoming in some cases fatal. In systems producing hot water for sanitary use, in order to eliminate the presence of this bacterium is necessary to bring the water to a minimum temperature of 60 ° C. However , the modern mixers with anti-scald function are designed to limit the water temperature to a maximum of 50 ° C , thus making it impossible for the thermal disinfection of the stretch between the mixer output terminal and dispensing .
To solve this problem IVAR has designed and implemented a solution that , bypassing the mixer during the legionella cycles , ensures disinfection of the downstream section of the mixer to the user tap in compliance with current regulations , while ensuring the control of temperature and the scald protection during normal operation . Especially for the construction of a new plant, but also in the adaptation of those older and obsolete , the group LEGIO -BOX is the ideal system for the control of water distributed to the taps of users.