Focus - Energy efficiency

Strategies to accelerate grid connection of pending wind projects, unlocking over 500 GW

The propane heat pump market has experienced significant growth, with over 80 new models introduced in the past year, driving an increase in demand.

Italy is committed to reducing CO2 emissions by 40% by 2030, investing heavily in renewable energy for a sustainable future.

The priority actions for decarbonization include increasing production from renewable sources through advanced technologies and new energy management methods.

The transition to clean energy is accelerating the demand for electricity and increasing the importance of wind and solar power. This is the key finding of the new IEA report on smart grid technologies.

Despite the potential of Conto Termico 2.0, only 40% of the available funds for private individuals were utilized last year. AIEL proposes simplifying access to incentives and overcoming some limits imposed on biomass, especially in the tertiary sector and process heat.

This project involves seven national energy agencies from various EU member states, including ENEA for Italy.

The report indicates that, of the 6,000 companies that complied with the obligation in 2023, over 44% are large enterprises.

The implementation of the Action Plan will require significant investments, amounting to 584 billion euros by 2030.

Italy's electricity demand was covered 79.6% by domestic production.

From factories to data centers, many European countries have begun implementing waste heat recovery systems that capture thermal energy from multiple sources.