CO2 Products by OCS COLD

The CO2 (R744) is a natural refrigerant historically used in refrigeration up to 40 years and recently rediscovered as a natural alternative to the use of synthetic refrigerants even more restricted and taxed due to their high enviromental impact.


Besides being a fluid of natural origin (low GWP), it is not flammable toxic, has good properties of heat transmission, is extremely economical because of easy availability and is compatible with the most common materials used in the refrigerant plants.

Since 2010, OCS COLD has been producing components for CO2 applications, suitable for both subcritical and transcritical cycle with a working pressures ranging from 45 to 130 BAR.

The experience gained and the partnerships with the most important firms, has allowed the company to offer at the market high quality components always reliable. The CO2 production is based on costumer requirements and is available in carbon steel as well as in stainless steel.

We produce:
- CO2 vertical liquid receivers
- CO2 pumped liquid receivers
- CO2 liquid separators
- CO2 liquid separators wih internal exchanger
- CO2 oil receivers
- CO2 drier filter
- CO2 accessible and not accessible oil separators
- CO2 suction manifolds
- CO2 discharge manifolds
- CO2 oil distributors

Technical features


Related products

Hydronic components

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CO2 Products by OCS COLD
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