GSE - Polyvalent geothermal heat pump
Water-condensed polyvalent heat pump for residential use. It obtains heating or cooling energy from a water source (above ground or acquifer) or from a closed-loop geothermal system, allowing alternatively to heat and cool the whole dwelling and to produce Domestic Hot Water in priority or in total heat recovery when in cooling mode.
Technical features
• Electronically controlled Electric expansion Valve (EEV).
• Source-side, DHW-side and User-side pumps with variable speed motors to adapt flow-rates to actual operating speed and allow significant savings on pumping costs.
• Double hydraulic circuit: space heating/cooling circuit and DHW circuit, independent from each other.
• DHW circuit in priority, or in total heat recovery when in cooling mode.
• ON/OFF Scroll compressors.
• AISI 316 Stainless steel high efficiency brazed plate heat exchangers.