Da 35 a 4.200 kW, modelli standard o compatti, a singolo o doppio passaggio.
Remarks: |
1. Listed values are a general guideline; different specifications are available. Please contact Your local Agent for a specific selection. |
2. Listed values are subject to change without notice. Please contact Your local Agent. |
3. Cooling Capacity: 1 USRT is equivalent to 3.517 kW |
4. Maximum permissible operating pressure of water circuits is 8 bar as standard. Higher pressure design are available on request. |
5. Standard Fouling Factor is 0.086 m2K / kW (equivalent to 0.0001 m2h°C / kcal) |
6. COP is calculated based on the listed operating conditions. |
7. Standard Cooling Capacity range is 25-100%. |
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